Cheaters Are More Likely to Hang Out With Other Cheaters

This past week I had a friend come over who’s wife reached out to her ex boyfriend from 10+ years ago. This wife was hanging out with my ex wife, a person who had 3 affairs (that I know of) over a 13 year marriage. My friend’s wife looked up her ex’s on Facebook and reached out and called one where she learned that he was single.

I thought to myself, this is the same thing that my ex wife did, reaching out to her Affair Partner on Facebook. She did it three times, and the third time he replied. I told my friend, “If your wife wasn’t hanging out with my ex wife, do you think she would have been on Facebook looking up ex boyfriends and reached out?” The answer was no, and leads to the point that “Cheaters are more likely to hang out with other Cheaters.”

One of my wife’s best friends in Rochester was cheating on her husband with one night stands and Friends with Benefits (FWB’s). She was in my ex wife’s inner circle. My ex wife then cheated, and now her friend here that’s local has cheated. My ex-wife’s older sister has also cheated in her previous relationships. Do you see a pattern? It’s only a matter of time before her other local friend here cheats (if she already hasn’t, her best friend in Philadelphia, etc. Cheaters hang out with other cheaters, drug users hang out with other drug users, alcoholics hang out with other alcoholics, etc.

In another example, nobody likes cheaters in games, especially when it comes to online gaming – it just ruins the whole experience for non-cheaters playing the game. Some researchers wanted to find out more about this cheating community and decided to perform some research.

Firstly, cheaters stick together. According to their data – cheaters are more likely to be friends with other cheaters. Apparently, cheating appears to be infectious as well. If you have a lot of friends who are cheaters, chances are high that you’ll end up being one of them in the future.